Jollibee Kids Meal currently features toys from the Cartoon Network series Kinds Next Door. These are spinners, and there are three kinds in all. One's a watch, another is a yoyo, and the third one... I don't know yet. Anyway, I wanted to know what this third something was, so when we ordered merienda at the office, I requested for the toy that wasn't the watch (Jo-Lo doesn't like watches that much) and not the yoyo. Guess what... they sent me the yoyo.

So here it is, one of the featured toys. It looks quite sturdily built, and like other yoyos, it comes with a string (duh). So what's different with this spinner? It comes with spikes that becomes visible when spun and retracts when the yoyo returns to your hand! Cool, huh?

Well, I have only watched a couple of episodes of Kids Next Door but it's a nice adventure series. And for sure this set of toys will entice more viewership.