McDonald's current offering is for Action Man ATOM. Now frankly, though I am quite updated with the cartoon world, this particular series has escaped me. So this post is chiefly for reviewing the toy.

We were able to acquire the Thunder Quad and the Alpha Vehicle at the office. The toys look pretty solid and can withstand playtime until the next Happy Meal Toy comes in. The package comes with the car, some stickers, and a key which you insert into the rear of the car. One press of the button on this key sends the car roaring off! This novelty of putting the car into motion makes this toy especially nice, because it's a variation from the usual pull-back and cars which you simply push around.

The paint job, though, could be better. But overall, I'm sure my kid will love having this toy when I give it to him this weekend.
Aesthetics: ***
Playability: ****
Concept: ***
Tie-in: ***
Overall score: ***
Promotional poster borrowed from McDonald's Philippines
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